Fikr Foundation

Silence is Violence

No Matter Our Job, No Matter Our Height, We All Deserve To Be Treated Right.

Welcome To a group thrive for uplift society

Fikr Foundation aims to honor and empower brave people by giving them moral and financial support. Our goal is to encourage people who write and raise their voice bluntly against the tyrannies.

We amplify the impact of our activists by inspiring people around the world to participate in our initiatives.

We defend, equip, and give a platform to human rights activists who are boldly changing their communities and countries.

We connect activists to industry leaders and develop modern solutions to combat the worst human rights violations.

Our Mission

Honor and empower brave people, support social movements


To build an awaken, vigilant and active society where everyone have the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, FREE and FAIR elections.

OUR philosophy

Nothing is impossible. There is no such thing in 21 century we can't accomplish.

How We make things possible


— We Find & Fund

We equips grassroots activists with the financial and strategic support they need to improve lives, mobilize movements, and build a better future for their communities.


— We Build Networks

Our members live in different countries; each creates a network of activists and participates in projects of our organization.


— We Strengthen

We connect activists to industry leaders and develop modern solutions to combat the worst human rights violations.


— We Educate

We train and provided tools to our activists and participants, so they engage and empower people in their community and lead social movement


— We Provide Care

We honor and empower brave people who raise their voice against tyranny, by giving them moral and financial support. We boost their confidence and support them in our best possible way.


— We Consult

We act at national, regional and international levels in support of its member and partner organizations to address human rights abuses and consolidate democratic processes.

Our Plan

All donations will go to support 5 main problems: Freedom of speech, human rights, religious freedom, democracy, free press. Our project is working with deprived people in Central Asia.

Recent Causes

We are in a mission of making a world where everyone is treated equally

Basic Human rigts

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Goal: $90000

Freedom of speech

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Goal: $76000

Freedom of Religion

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Goal: $20000

Impact Stories

Our Pride March for freedom of religion has succeed
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WE stand against injustice in Uzbekstan
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Upcoming Events

25th January


Sign up to dedicate a day to justice, equality, and human rights.

29th December


Sign up to dedicate a day to justice, equality, and human rights.

28th February

Charity Dinner

Sign up to dedicate a day to justice, equality, and human rights.

Your Support Means a Lot

Don’t hesitate, Don’t delay, To treat everyone the rightful way

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