Fikr Foundation

United We Stand for Human Rights

All human beings are born free & equal in dignity & rights

Who We Are

Fikr Foundation is an initiative of a group of Uzbek entrepreneurs, business owners, professional and talented youth to honor and empower brave people in Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

It means a great deal to those who are oppressed to know that they are not alone. Never let anyone tell you that what you are doing is insignificant. Fikr Foundation always stand with the victims.

Fikr Foundation unites people in the common cause of defending human rights and promoting freedom of expression. Our mission is to ensure that freedom is both preserved and promoted around the world.

Fikr Foundation has been supporting the bloggers, journalists, human right activists and other brave people who stands for others’ rights for more than two years. In addition, we have organized a number contests and fundraising events for them

Fikr Foundation envisions a world where everyone is free to promote and enjoy their human rights. Empowered human rights defenders and strong and independent civil societies are key to this vision.

We dream about a vigilant, active and powerful society. Our mission is neither perfect nor complete because we continue to learn and adapt as we work on this journey.

Some thoughts of our Donors

One Way or Another, we make difference


Recent Causes

We are on a mission of making a world where everyone is treated equally.

Our Main Focus

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